Adrian Crowley – September Wine

We’ve reached a juncture where the value of music is on an endless downward spiral. It’s not that people are listening any less, it’s just that they are unwilling to pay for the pleasure. Services such as Spotify will ensure this state of affairs continues (I’m surmising that most of its users plump for the free option). In saying that I’m not sure there are many people out there who pine for the good old days of the €20+ album. I don’t, nor do I mourn for the time where the only place you could hear new music was on the radio. Freedom of choice and choices made without a budget means that artists that would never have made any money in the first place now, at the very least, get recognition. Payola and brown nosing the right DJ’s no longer washes it, for the most part the cream rises to the top and with this prominence comes an opportunity to make a living from what you love doing. And so we have Adrian Crowley, a slightly obscure artist from Galway (though Dublin based) who makes the most sublime, thought provoking and atmospheric sound. Back in the day he would have still been the bard who made the most sublime, thought provoking and atmospheric sound but now his gift is being heard beyond his locality. His ascension to the top table is not in doubt and all because people now have the freedom to make up their own minds. Crowley’s sixth album ‘I See Three Birds Flying’ is out now on Chemikal Underground. Save a tear for this beauty. KD

Adrian Crowley – September Wine

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Adrian Crowley
Year: 2012

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