A couple of weeks on from its release and ‘Shields’ has picked up the blessing from most of the trusted review portals. All acknowledge a shift from ‘Veckatimest’s way with a tune but for all that Grizzly Bear are moving forward towards the album that they will be remembered for. ‘Shields’ is so almost that album, complex and literate and never pausing to allow a sense of their being a momentary dirge of ideas. Because these new songs work best when listened to in the context of the album it is difficult to pull splinter’s from the mothership. That said ‘Yet Again’ is an obvious choice, that we’ve already plundered, but ‘Half Gate’ is a close second. Bands in 2012 don’t generally lift drama to these lofty heights, raising the pulse to extremes that might even have the marketing men pulling at their sewn up purse strings. Let’s hope they offer enough to keep GB a well fuelled entity but one that is not overfed enough to lose the obvious hunger for innovation displayed on ‘Shields’. We can’t have them been distracted from their perfect goal. KD
Grizzly Bear – Half Gate
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Grizzly Bear
Year: 2012
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