Toy – Left Myself Behind

This really is quite an extraordinary 7 minutes, especially the molten instrumental breakdown in the second half. And quite unexpectedly it comes from a group in the first flush of youth straight out of London town. They’ve been feted before mind, as the short-lived and much hyped Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong. This new incarnation, at just 2 singles in, is already streets ahead of its predecessor and with a canny label in Heavenly behind them they are surely set for the big time. Once they don’t throw themselves out of the pram that is. ‘Left Myself Behind’ could have been on Swervedriver’s ‘Raise’ so as you can imagine this is pumping through my veins with the intensity of a last minute Ireland goal. KD

Toy – Left Myself Behind

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Toy
Year: 2012

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One Comment

  1. Philip
    April 20, 2012

    Excellent solo, a nicer reflection of the 80s

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