Primal Scream – Higher Than The Sun

While the thoughts of seeing my beloved Stone Roses on their reunion tour leaves me distinctly cold I can’t help but be euphoric in anticipation of Primal Scream’s ‘Screamadelica’ visit to Dublin in December (if the Roses did ‘The Stone Roses’ I’d be front row). The aforementioned albums along with MBV’s ‘Loveless’ and the Boo Radleys ‘Giant Steps’ are far and away my favourite albums ever. And while Sigur Ros, early Belle and Sebastian and debut album Arcade Fire have come close things are likely to stay that way. I’ve heard comments about ‘Screamadelica’ ageing badly but I don’t hear it, perhaps I’m ageing badly in tandem. Not only was it a mainstay of my formative years but Primal Scream’s performance at Feile 1992 is probably my favourite ever live show. Most of the festival crowd had drifted away by the time they arrived on stage but a hardcore of a couple thousand witnessed the purest form of musical performance. I’m sure most were high or just stupefied on alcohol and good vibes like me but I could have sworn there were also brass unicorns dancing in the crowd. No need for drugs anyway when you had ‘Higher Than The Sun’ to swell your head with sonic hallucinogens. Seems they’ve remastered ‘Screamadelica’ but I struggle to understand how you can do that to something so masterful. They don’t remaster the Mona Lisa do they? KD

Primal Scream – Higher Than The Sun

More Info: Official
See Them In Dublin: Primal Scream
Year: 1991

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  1. November 5, 2011

    Speaking of Loveless, today is the 20th anniversary of it’s release.

    • hugger
      November 5, 2011

      What a year for classic releases – ‘Nevermind’, ‘Bandwagonesque’, ‘Trompe Le Monde’ and Blur’s ‘Leisure’ (I know its derided but I loved it).

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