Sat. Nite Duets – All Nite Long

It’s not exactly an everyday occurrence for the tastemakers at Pitchfork to get scooped on a hip new indie rock band, especially by the mainstream media. That’s exactly what happened when CNN’s John Sepulvado featured Milwaukee’s Sat. Nite Duets in a recent online article. There were no free mp3’s to be had, but Sepulvado chatted at length with the band about everything from Wisconsin’s political climate to full-frontal male nudity, doing little to describe the band’s sound beyond dropping the obligatory slacker-pop reference.

The Pavement influence is prevalent in much of the band’s work, but comes across as a sincere homage rather than a blatant biting of style. Sat. Nite Duets are at their sloppy finest on ‘All Nite Long’. It starts out as a moody, organ-heavy number, but somewhere along the way the song manifests an alternate destiny, morphing into a PBR tallboy fueled hipster sing-along. It’s an unpretentious, ramshackle pop song, as squarely footed in the right now as it is evocative of 90’s alt-rock nostalgia.

Generously, Sat. Nite Duets have made their entire catalogue, nude cover art and all, available for free download on their Tumblr.

Joseph Avary

Sat. Nite Duets – All Nite Long

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Sat. Nite Duets
Year: 2010

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