The Brothers Movement – Is God Dead?

Ireland produces its fair share of rubbish acts. In many cases a modicum of local success can be achieved by being friends with the right people. It’s the nature of tiny pools I suspect. In a lot of cases being the flavour of the month is hardly ever influenced by whether you can dish up a good melody or not. Your hair looks nice, you are going out with guitar playing Saoirse and your song is one of the 10 or so songs that are played to death on Phantom. Yep, you’ve made it….AWESOME. Christ, it does my head in really. Especially when bands like the Brothers Movement are habitually forgotten. Here is an act that never forgets to pack a good hook yet they must make do with a ledge several hundred feet down from FLAPS, the Coronas and the Cast of Cheers. They are so good they may have even influenced ‘To The Death of Fun’ (album of the year in waiting from Cashier No. 9) because the similarities are striking. Hooray for good music and a swift kick to the goolies for sheepism. KD

The Brothers Movement – Is God Dead?

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Brothers Movement
Year: 2009

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. Mark
    June 10, 2011

    Very good song. Had never heard of them. A Doves-type Pounding beat to it

    Not as good as the Republic of Loose though :)

    • hugger
      June 10, 2011

      You Know It, You Know….where’s me mic.

  2. Alpo
    June 10, 2011

    Love The Brothers Movement, glad to see them get a nod here. Especially like “Blind” and “Standing Still”. Thanks!

  3. June 10, 2011

    Great band & a great album. They deserve much more attention and respect.


  4. marchy
    June 13, 2011

    great stuff! you should all check out daniel the songwriter of TBM’s new band Sweet Jane. Lots of great stuff there. They have an album called sugar for my soul out at the moment. Check

    peace oxo

    • hugger
      June 13, 2011

      Never knew that, love Sweet Jane.

  5. John T
    June 13, 2011

    The brothers movement have been broke up for a long time but they announced it about a year ago the songwriter quit to have sweet jane his full time band.

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