Fucked Up – The Other Shoe

Quite unexpectedly I have fallen for the screamcore offered by Fucked Up’s latest album ‘David Comes To Life’. Up to now there was no love lost between the pair of us because, put simply, Damian Abraham’s throaty emissions frightened the hell out of me, my family and 95% of the local neighbourhood. Now, he doesn’t appear to have lost any of his brio on ‘The Other Shoe’ but in the midst of all that old skool dynamics and a soft female interjection it makes for a fascinating departure. The album is due in June and is being touted as an 18-track hardcore punk opera – must have their pink eyes on another Polaris and if this is anything to go by they have a really decent chance. KD

Fucked Up – The Other Shoe

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Fucked Up
Year: 2011

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  1. March 31, 2011

    Great song (but I think most of their stuff is so…)

  2. hugger
    March 31, 2011

    This is the first time I’ve been able to listen through a whole song!

  3. April 27, 2011

    I actually had a dream this morning that I was returning a bunch of Affliction shirts someone bought me for Christmas (didn’t really happen) and I bought a bunch of Fucked Up shirts, only they were radio edits, like “Rocked Up” and “Funked Up,” but still official band merch.

    The moral here… I’ve never listened to Fucked Up. I will do so now. Polaris can’t be wrong.

    • hugger
      April 27, 2011

      I’d skip those mid-morning naps if I was you Brian.

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