Adam and Darcie – 2 Cities

I must take my hat off to the internet for without it lots of our little endeavours would have remained the stuff of dreams. I mean who could have forecast that a little record label from western Europe would be jointly releasing an EP from a duo all the way from the western United States. Far from being the destructive force that the large, albeit crumbling, music industry players and their media pawns would lead you to believe the web has democratised something that should never have been just the preserve of a certain few in the first place. This decentralisation has led to an explosion of new talent (yeah, the opposite to what has been preached) which is no longer hindered by budget or cloth eared A&R men. Ranting aside, we are as proud as punch to be releasing a 2nd record from Adam & Darcie. Not a lot has changed since 2009’s ‘California Trail‘, everything remains lush, quiet, studied and dripping in harmony. The ‘Early In The Morning’ EP is streaming in full on Indiecater, your local online store. KD

Adam and Darcie – 2 Cities

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Adam & Darcie
Year: 2011

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. Jeremy
    March 3, 2011

    They just kill me. A simple chord change sends shivers down my spine. And those harmonies have not seen equal since California circa 1966.

  2. March 8, 2011

    so much beautiful dichotomy. expansive and tight. powerful but understated. etcetera. i love adam and darcie – i always know i’ll like what i hear.

    • hugger
      March 8, 2011

      So well put Martin, they are something special alright.

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