Seams – Nightcycles

Quite perverse (in a personal perversion type of way so you’re fine) that I should choose ‘Nightcycles’ to kick off today’s round of turntablism. From the break of dawn my head creaked, body shuddered and bits of me appeared for all the world like they were scattered all around the ground. Not the male flu or similar strain but a consequence of loose inbibification to celebrate what was an all too rare occurrence, an international victory for our footballers. Didn’t matter that it was of no importance, we’d held our emotions in check and our sneers to the forefront for far too long and it was time to pretend (like we were kids, mgmt show him the door). And so as I was about to throw the towel in on whatever mediamonkey could throw at me today ‘Nightcycles’ worked its meditative genius (its pulse initially syncing quite disorientatingly with my headache) to pull me back from the brink of daytime television. James Welch (for he is Seams) wrote the piece on the back of another life affirming 3am cycle round his Birmingham neighbourhood (do wobbly 1am ones round Dublin count, especially since this body/sonic connection is beginning to make sense). Although 7 minutes in duration this could play all day without as much as stop depress for me, going round the loop springs a new meaning as the dark crevice I find myself is beginning to look increasingly less taxing. KD

Seams – Nightcycles

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Seams
Year: 2010

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