Duchess Leo – Your Sweet Love

Full blown orchestral sweeps are pretty rare in indiedom. The nearest thing to this sumptuous piece could well be the opening to Mansun’s ‘The Chad Who Loved Me’, that said ‘Your Sweet Love’s affair with massed strings (electronic though they may be) goes the whole hog. Duchess Leo, the exciting proposition behind the music, have been popping up on my speakers for the last week and each time I’m sold on their total disregard for doing things by half. The Brooklyn (are there any clerks living there?) duo of Dan Ryan and Todd Buchler took their time and out of that studied dedication came ‘Golden Gray’ which opens with this epic. This should permeate beyond the usual in-crowd, not even 007 himself could stop the Duchess from completing her mission. KD

Duchess Leo – Your Sweet Love

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Duchess Leo
Year: 2011

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One Comment

  1. January 30, 2011

    The Mansun reference alone was enough to sell this. Thanks!

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