Dënver – Los Adolescentes

The thing that struck me the most about this Chilean band (a boy/girl duo) was how childlike and full of wonder they appear, like a Candy Claws of the south. Take a look at the video to ‘Los Adolescentes’, below, for a brief window into their magical world. That rampant imagination extends itself to the music too because while it sounds like lots of stuff that has come before it nonetheless brings something new and inventive to the party. And what else could you do with this in the background except wiggle such is its positively happy disposition. From the little bit I have read it appears as if Santiago and its environs is in the midsts of a creative explosion and having visited the city a few years back I can vouch for its hipster heart so there’s a ready made audience. If things do go supernova then Dënver are likely to be at its core. Molten thing things. KD

Dënver – Los Adolescentes

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Dënver
Year: 2009

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