Top Songs From 2010

In a shameless copycat tactic we’ve taken it upon ourselves to reveal our Top 42 songs of the year over the course of the next week as opposed to all in one go like the last 4 years. This year it made sense to leave Indiecater to one side and give the shoddiness of non-indiecaterland a chance to shine. All the other rules remain the same, only 1 song per artist and only songs that have appeared on mp3hugger throughout the year could make the cut. All told my gut feeling for 2010 was that is was a really lousy year for classic albums and the well of memorable tunes was also down on previous years. That said by whittling it down to our top 42 it measures up quite well.

Tonight we present numbers 42 to 37.

You’ll find the player controls on the top left and click the info bottom on the bottom left for more info on each of the songs. KD

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One Comment

  1. December 11, 2010

    The shoddiness of non-indiecater land. Classic.

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