Willy Mason – Oxygen

Willy Mason is one of the few genuine artists I’ve met in an official capacity and boy was I nervous. Not half as shaky as him though, reckon he was tired. Once we got over the usual awkward early exchanges it felt good to be talking to someone who I had theretofore believed only communicated in verse. I’d worn his 2004 record ‘Where The Human’s Eat’ to a point where the hiss and pops almost drowned out the carefree but quietish pieces so it came as a nice surprise when his live incarnation turned out to be a much louder affair. Apart from the title track ‘Oxygen’ (did Electric Picnic ever think of using it in the summer festival wars?) was probably the star turn on his debut. Here is a tune that is delicately crafted, involving lots of subtle tones and unexpected detours. And all that is present is the singer and his faithful instrument. Pity the music took a turn for the worse after such an auspicious start, that said young Willy is still only 26 so time is very much on his side. KD

Willy Mason – Oxygen

More Info: Wiki
Buy Songs: Willy Mason
Year: 2004

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