The Constellations – Setback

To call them the US Kasabian could be to damn the Constellations with faint praise but then I’m sure they’d put up with that in exchange for some of the former’s gazillion sales. It hard not to get suckered into their vibrant all encompassing sound, a perfect example of which you can find below. ‘Setback’ is a rhino charge of a single from the Atlanta acts’ debut album ‘Southern Gothic’. Words like big, bold and mountable (rhino theme poorly sequelled) spring to mind, I mean I feel about 10 times cooler even listening to it. Who’d have thought that an old man could still come approach something approximating hip (no operation jokes now). If only it was warmer outside I could roll down the panes and get down with the coolers with this on the boombox. KD

The Constellations – Setback

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Constellations
Year: 2010

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. longtimesunshine
    November 16, 2010

    Like Kasabian with Beck’s vocals from “Go It Alone” & “Timebomb”? In any case, great stuff.

  2. November 19, 2010

    yeap, vocals are good;)

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