Jacob Graham may well be better known for his involvement with hip kids the Drums (‘Let Go Surfing'”¦) but in the distant past (in internet terms) of 2009 he also put out a record with Drew Driver as Horse Shoes. We spotted them when ‘Changing Winds’ (‘The Imperial School’s opening track) was a mere demo floating around interspace like a well-groomed piece of sonic fluff. While ‘The Perfect Combination’ is not as arresting in the immediacy stakes it sure does creep up on you. This is more than a rose tinted reminisce for fans of Sarah Records and all that conjures up, it is also a fine piece of melancholic pop. Like what China Crisis used to do with their two pronged assault of neat electro diversions and cosy fey vocals. KD
Horse Shoes – The Perfect Combination
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Horse Shoes
Year: 2009
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