This has the be the best vocal via a metro loudspeaker since that sweetie decided it was a good idea on ‘Fade To Grey’. It’s taken from Galway’s Low Sea’s debut LP ‘Las Olas’, an album that has already been feted by those Sound Team slayers. We’ve been on the duo’s case for a while now so ‘Alex’ comes as a major twist in what we thought they were about. Low Sea normally frontload their tunes with shoegazing chords but this one goes a lot more in the direction of the Paris Angels (remember their perfumed numbers?). The effect establishes a lighter tone but an altogether more fluid dreamscape that should broaden the band’s appeal. With the risk of being labelled a toasted heretic I now declare Low Sea the West’s most treasured bullion. KD
Low Sea – Alex
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Low Sea
Year: 2010
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