Chapterhouse – Pearl

That Tears Run Rings tune of last night has definitely set me off on a shoegaze buzz. Jumping in the delorean back to the time when floppy fringes, copious on-stage fog and dangerously wide flares were de-rigour we come across a band of young chaps from Reading. Chapterhouse released just one album of real cop but what a piece of work it was. 1991’s ‘Whirlpool’ could up to recently be picked up on ebay if you have a few hundred lying around and it’s easy to see why when you clasp ears on the majesty of its lead single ‘Pearl’. This is shoegaze so perfectly executed its no wonder Slowdive’s Rachel Goswell stepped in to provide a hand on vocals. Not many things on earth are this beautiful. KD

Chapterhouse – Pearl

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Chapterhouse
Year: 1991

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. Chris McBride
    February 22, 2010

    I love Pearl by Chapterhouse. Steve Lamacq played it on his 6music show a few months back and I’ve been hooked ever since. You can see where the Big Pink got their ideas from.

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