Ride – Mouse Trap

Ride remain one of my favourite bands ever. Probably because they coincided with my college years when there was time to get immersed in the music (man). Although later albums had some great songs it was their first two ‘Nowhere’ and ‘Going Blank Again’ that left the biggest impression. At the time I feverishly collected all their singles which often turned up non-album classics like ‘Howard Hughes’ and ‘Going Blank Again’ (they didn’t even see fit to include it on the album of the same name). The band revolved around the twin vocals of Mark Gardener and Andy Bell (how could you?), molten guitars and the impossibly rendered beats (which this song so ably highlights). ‘Going Blank Again’ was an album of great singles but the lesser lights were no less illuminating. I’ve always had a gra for ‘Mouse Trap’, it may have been light on the word front but it is Ride at their most instrumentally dynamic. Couldn’t you just listen to Mark Gardner aah-aahing for the weekend? ‘Mouse Trap’ is heavy on invention and while Alan Moulder’s pristine production marks out the disparate parts clearly the whole is magnificently cohesive. Right, I’m off to have a little cry for myself. KD

Ride – Mouse Trap

Watch It Live From 1992

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Ride
Year: 1992

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  1. Anonymous
    June 27, 2009

    Good to see that anybody ‘cept me remembers that brilliant band.
    I’m going to play the whole Blank lp straight away. Thanx for that post!

  2. June 29, 2009

    This is one of my favorite Ride songs too.

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