Unsparing Sea – On Sinking Ships

Songs like this are this blogs lifeblood and bands like Unsparing Sea are what makes all the endless hours of filtering so worthwhile. The 5-piece come from Cleveland and in ‘A Cloud in the Cathedral’ they have crafted a slow burning gem. Because Unsparing Sea unfurl their gifts slowly it took me some time to appreciate their lavish murals. This certainly isn’t Saturday night music yet its melancholic stagger leaves an indelible impression. The sadness that is projected reaches a crescendo every time Tara Klein’s cello combines with J.R. Bennetts lonesome howl. It is enough to take your breath away but even though the underlying feeling is one of complete sadness the album never leaves one low. If anything the whole affair is an uplifting experience and one that demands repeat visits. KD

Unsparing Sea – On Sinking Ships

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Unsparing Sea
Year: 2008

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  1. Anonymous
    January 16, 2009

    sorry reminds me of he shaggs. after the first few notes i had to turn it off. pardon my “awful,” but i prefer to listen to peole who can actually sing.

  2. January 16, 2009

    I prefer people that can spell but I still like ya! The vocals are pretty much perfect in my book.

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