A Lazarus Soul – Only Say The Word

For some reason and this is a relatively recent phenomenon the 3 words I despise most in the English language are ‘dude’, ‘guys’ (in their usage by Irish people) and that pinnacle of annoyance ‘absolutely’ (everybody). Any combination or singular use of the above wordage sends me into a spin, my mouth dries up and in extreme cases the frustration leads to mini droplets falling from my pupils. It taints long held relationships, makes the fostering of new friendships nigh on impossible and for those I know who won’t take offence results in a stiff reprimand. Perhaps I should just open up the taps and let the invective that boils within out into the open and then snappy sentences like ‘calm down dude’, ‘hi guys’ and ‘oh absolutely!’ would amount to little more than the proverbial water off a duck’s back. The way things are at the moment I just want to shoot the avian blighter. This band from Dublin have worked it all out though and never let petty annoyances get in the way of letting people know what they’re really thinking. I admire this characteristic in them and enjoy their music, this one especially because it’s sorta calming. KD

A Lazarus Soul – Only Say The Word

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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: A Lazarus Soul
Year: 2001

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  1. January 22, 2009

    Inevitable comment took 5 days to drop. Thanks Adam, my prophet like senses are still intact.

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