Red Star Belgrade – Where The Sun Doesn't Shine

You may or may not have been aware that of late I have been leading a double life. Indiecater is my attempt to help out through a series of indie compilations where the profits go straight back to the contributing bands. Thusfar it has been a quiet success, so much so that Volume 3 will be released towards the end of October and a compilation made up of indie Christmas tunes will follow in December. Our latest release is a little different however because it looks to the past rather the future for its inspiration. Red Star Belgrade’s ‘Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine’ originally came out in the mid-nineties and despite a wave of critical acclaim somehow got lost along the way. Hard copies of the album are extremely rare and up to now you could not buy the album digitally. About a year ago we struck up an email dialogue with Bill Curry from the band quite by chance and we both agreed that Red Star Belgrade’s music deserved a second airing. ‘Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine’ was RSB’s first LP, a frazzled, angry and important piece of alt country that I think you’ll really enjoy. Included here is a track from the album called ‘Saddest Girl’ that displays the simple yet powerful ditties that are dotted all over the LP. If you’d like more information about the band, the album and how you can own ‘Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine’ head over to the indiecater site. KD

Red Star Belgrade – Saddest Girl

Buy Songs: Red Star Belgrade
Year: 1996

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  1. Anonymous
    October 1, 2008

    from what i can make out, this sounds like a gem but i think the mp3 source file mght be corrupted. the versions i’ve been able to download have digital glitches on them – could you check and repost? cheers!

  2. October 1, 2008

    What an interesting comment. To these ears the recording sounds good so could you detail the imperfections so I can run it by Bill from the band. Hope this doesn’t put you off buying the album!

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