This music is the sound of upheaval, of instruments shoved into uncompromising positions, of a singer singing as if she’s practising in the shower as the water slowly turns cold. And the strangest thing about it all is that I am utterly entranced. In the same the way that You’re Only Massive have the wherewithal to pull a victory from the jaws of an overwhelming defeat. Roni Brunn is From’s chief architect and she dreams up her patchwork quilt of audio from her base in Beverly Hills. How can she afford you might ask but then one only has to look at her resume to see how previous ventures yielded much fancied leather goods. It’s all a bit daft, from the unconventional execution to the strange reactions I am feeling in my approving toes. Oddly compelling. KD
From – Maple Drive
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: From
Year: 2008
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