Indiecater Just Laughs In The Face Of That Difficult Second Album Syndrome!

Never thought it would come to this but indiecater has suddenly reached volume 2 and it barely a couple of months old. The idea was simple really, mp3hugger has certain songs that are constantly whirling around his head so one sleepless night he decided it would be nice to compile these songs and as a sort of digital mixtape. Of course such ideas often sound so simple in theory but their execution can be a tad on the tricky side. Without the support, enthusiasm and creativity of the bands who’ve taken part indiecater would have fallen on its arse fairly quickly so I am very grateful to one and all. Volume 1 concentrated on unreleased material but for its successor there are no such restrictions. Every track is hand picked after going through a rigorous testing process that is as secret as the formula to Wonka’s everlasting gobstopper. The compilation costs €4.50, most of which goes straight back to the contributing artists. Call yourself indie, now’s your chance to prove it! Read more and buy indiecater volume 2 @ the indiecater website. To help you make up your mind here is a sweet cut from Austin’s finest AM Syndicate (track 5). KD

AM Syndicate – To The Peasants Of The Emperor

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: indiecater
Year: 2008

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. Ronan
    August 23, 2008

    Any special volume1/2 bundle? Im behind the times i know

  2. August 23, 2008

    Hi Ro, because the files are quite big a bundle would be well over 100mb in size which might be a tad unwieldy. So what I’ve decided to do is to offer a discount to anyone who has bought one compilation to help towards buying the other one. Anyone who bought Volume One has already received an email to this effect.

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