Secret Alphabet – 27

The only thing wrong about ’27’ is that it ends too quickly. I just love the tumbling instrumentation and even though the vocals are fairly monosyllabic they seem particularly apt in this instance. It is a delicious taster from My Secret Alphabet’s new EP (it’s free if you ask them for a copy!). The quartet come from L.A. and by the looks of their still-in-construction webpages they are just getting off the ground. ’27’ is a broody little number that is both fleet of foot and full of cerebral manoeuvres. It has a grinding momentum that builds to a cascading crescendo and boasts tons of atmosphere. If this were the 80’s I’m sure there’d be a 12-inch remix whereupon ’27’s curvaceous aura would be given a thorough workout and our thirst for more of the same would be fully sated. Damn De Lorean, never about when you need it. KD

Secret Alphabet – 27

More Info: Official & Myspace
Get Songs For Free: Secret Alphabet
Year: 2008

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  1. Anonymous
    August 7, 2008


  2. James, TX
    January 23, 2009

    I was really psyched to hear this band on and I listened. Before I get into that, they claim their “music” is psychedelic. It’s not. Total letdown. Another misrepresentation of people who don’t know what psychedelic music is. I don’t know what to call this mess. Whatever it is, it’s a far cry from psychedelic. The drummer was the only good musician. He should find a better band with a singer who can sing.

  3. January 23, 2009

    Phew, I’m glad and sort of relieved that I didn’t mention the word ‘psychedelic’ above. Thanks for the show review James, pity it was a disappointment for you.

  4. Anonymous
    September 3, 2009

    i guess this is 8 months too late,
    but jamestx’s comment sounds more like a personal dig than an actual critique of the music.
    an angry former band mate?
    a friend of a former bandmate? ie, the drummer?
    we’ll never know.
    some people believe if theres no apparent wah in the mix & if it doesnt sound relatively close to some kinda hippy 60’s influence, its not: “psych”
    thats BS.
    check out the new Warlocks album.
    i dont know about you, but its pretty dis-heartening to me that most bands today are a blatant ripoff of other bands.
    its speaks volumes that james doesnt know what to call this “mess.”

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