Orphans & Vandals – Mysterious Skin

I am gobsmacked at this, over 10 minutes of quality audio and a good story to boot. Reminds me a lot of Animals That Swim, not only in the vocals but in the cerebral stakes also. Remarkably this London 5-piece remain unsigned but you’d hardly think that they were operating on a budget given the lush orchestration and rich production values. There are glimpses of the Velvet Underground and Chet but ‘Mysterious Skin’ is wildly original and a stark reminder of the quality that still inhabits the fringes. Orphans & Vandals have a 10″ vinyl single on release at the moment and if that doesn’t bring them to the attention of the powers that be then the record industry is losing more than it ever had. KD

Orphans & Vandals – Mysterious Skin

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Orphans & Vandals
Year: 2008

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  1. June 12, 2008

    I can really see the Velvet Underground influence in this song. It’ll be interesting to see how they fair in the future. I can already tell they are a talented bunch.

  2. Anonymous
    June 12, 2008

    Hmm, I saw them in London on Monday night and it didn’t go down well at all. Just one structure-less song after another with the guy jabbering away as if he believed he was Lou Reed.

  3. Anonymous
    September 1, 2008

    well I just saw them play KOKO on Friday and they were in a word breathtaking. Like all pioneering bands that break the indie mould, there will be plenty of doubters, but that’s why we have dross like Oasis for people to listen to.

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