Iowa Super Soccer – Cold

There were high hopes that Poland would assert themselves at Euro 2008. Sadly, a spirited defeat to Germany, a last minute choker versus the Austrians and last night’s loss to Croatian adds up to a desperately disappointing campaign. If one was looking for a crumb of comfort then Myslowice based Iowa Super Soccer could well be the ones to provide it. I’ve been a fan for a couple of years now but the highs on their debut ‘Lullabies To Keep Your Eyes Closed’ still came as a pleasant surprise. Low-ebbed and thoughtful it contains a clutch of excellent indiepop ditties; none more so than ‘Cold’ which twins the cutest jangle with a strong vocal turn. This has all the necessary ingredients to soothe bruised expectations and make the wait for the upcoming world cup qualifiers pass by very pleasantly indeed. I’ve just realised this is the second time I’ve spoken about ISS and football. KD

Iowa Super Soccer – Cold

Watch The Video To 10000 Miles

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Iowa Super Soccer
Year: 2008

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One Comment

  1. June 17, 2008

    I really enjoy the piano in “Cold,” as well as the chanting chorus. I think it gives a nice layer to the song, and provides a semi-live performance feel. It kind of reminds me of a nice campfire song, where all your friends are gathered and roasting marshmellows. This is a very nice and relaxing song indeed!

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