Screechy and nerve shredding they may be but Times New Viking have an impeccable sense of knowing when to drop an enticing bolt on melody. Without this important ingredient most right thinking people would likely be scurrying for the nearest supply of soundproofing cotton wool. Times New Viking somehow conspire to make like the grown up kids from Sesame Street who have graduated from the alphabet and times tables to more important subjects like faces on fire and mean gods. If this sounds like a recipe for a good night out then you may as well skip on up to the Andrew’s Lane Theatre next Monday (May 26) where you can also explore the raw brilliance of Limerick’s Giveamanakick. If you’d rather not pay for the privilege why not drop an email remembering to include your name and your favourite font. The 2 most stylish answers will each win 2 passes to the gig. Felix Titling
Update: Congrats to Wingdings and Shruti lovers Emma and Bobby!
Times New Viking – Drop-Out
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Times New Viking
Year: 2008
Cheers again for the No Age freebie,dude. They were excellent. I should be reviewing the upcoming TNV gig for drop-d so I shall refrain from entering this competition despite my love of 18 point Helvetica in purple..
You’re (rock)wellcome (extra bold).