I’m reliably informed (wiki of course) that a Pomegranate is a fruit bearing deciduous shrub or small tree that can grow up to 8 metres tall. For those who are well heeled musically it is also the name of a band from Cincinnati whose debut album ‘Everything Is Alive’ comes alive this month. Pomegranates are not exactly pop but that’s not to say that they’re not entirely fruity. Listen to ‘Thunder Meadow’ and you’ll see what I mean, it sounds like something that could only have emerged after the Arcade Fire and Los Campesinos! were involved in a non fatal road smash and ended up writing music together while recuperating in their multi-bed hospital ward. Yeah, it’s warped but it has the consistency of a piece that could really stand the test of time. There are surprises aplenty and the latter part of the song ends up sounding completely different to how it started out (always a good characteristic in my opinion). If Columbus had discovered this he’d have dined out for free on it for years. KD
Pomegranates – Thunder Meadow
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Pomegranates
Year: 2008
I love that CD. Completely. Thunder Meadow is great. I am especially fond of the one-two punch of Desert Hymn and Thunder Island.>>Saw “Pomegranates” on hypemachine and thought I would stop by and applaud you guys.