I was hooked on this straight away for the simple reason that it employed the jangliest of Byrds riffs. The best part is that the Ludlow Lions’ ‘Other People’s Ghosts’ has much more than that to offer, once you’ve let the tunes multi-faceted approach bed down. As with most things bright and new at the moment Ludlow Lions come from Brooklyn. Aside from the riproaring music they have one other ace up their sleeve in the shape of singer Brendan Coon. This ain’t your average, bog standard, common, so-so indie vocalist. No our Brendan pours character into his voice and we should be thankful that Ludlow Lions allow him to showcase it to maximum effect. If you are guided by voices then the Ludlow Lions self-titled debut could become your new head coach. KD
Ludlow Lions – Other People’s Ghosts
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Ludlow Lions
Year: 2008
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