Watercress – Candlemaker

Sunday evenings, don’t you just hate them? I do and get grumpy if I have to chew too intensely on a piece of music. As the weekend crashes to earth around you it really should be soundtracked by an accessible slice of jollity. And this Sunday PM Belfast’s Watercress will do just fine. This is a band that superseded the Spinto Band by about a decade in their mischievous use of the mandolin in a pop song. ‘Candlemaker’ was their biggest success when released as a single in 1996 and demonstrated the chaos that occurred when the foursome picked up their vast array of instruments. You can also pick up on Dan Donnelly’s strong Northern accent, which is a refreshingly honest approach given the homogenous approach taken by many of today’s acts. Sadly there is little or no information to be had about Watercress on the net as their website has long since become occupied by the scavengers. Ah well, good to see they still have the wherewithal to cure the Sunday evening blues with their pithy singalongs. KD

Watercress – Candlemaker

Watch The Video

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Watercress
Year: 1996

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  1. Anonymous
    March 10, 2008

    Two mins of pop brilliance. Haven’t heard it in years.

  2. CG
    March 19, 2008

    See also < HREF="http://www.gojangle.com/go/profile.php?queryWhere=artist&artist=DRAT" REL="nofollow">Drat<> (what Brian and Bruce Watercress did next).Brittle Pale Blue EP< HREF="http://www.gojangle.com/site/music/artist/DRAT/Brittle_Pale_Blue_EP/01_Brittle_Pale_Blue.mp3" REL="nofollow">01 Brittle Pale Blue<>< HREF="http://www.gojangle.com/site/music/artist/DRAT/Brittle_Pale_Blue_EP/02_Palsy_Boy.mp3" REL="nofollow">02 Palsy Boy<>< HREF="http://www.gojangle.com/site/music/artist/DRAT/Brittle_Pale_Blue_EP/03_My_Version_Of_Events.mp3" REL="nofollow">03 My Version Of Events<>< HREF="http://www.gojangle.com/site/music/artist/DRAT/Brittle_Pale_Blue_EP/04_By_The_Birds.mp3" REL="nofollow">04 By The Birds<>

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