Today I came perilously close to throwing in the towel on my day job. Standing back and examining the situation I surmised that it’s not a bad thing at all, the hours are relatively flexible, the people I work with are nice if a little dull and the work is not pressurised enough to ever give grey hair. It’s just that most working days for the last couple of years I have been subjected to an overriding feeling of utter boredom. Moving on to pastures new could be one solution but my preferred route would be to jack it all in and give this music blogging a lash on a full time basis. There are ways and means to make a living by purely blathering about new music but it would mean diversifying big style from the ‘what about this band and their ace tune’ format that has been the bedrock of mp3hugger for over 2 years. And despite what you may be thinking it could all be done in an above board and legal manner (with talk like that music blogs could start getting a good reputation). Although it may read like a daft statement with connectivity on the rise and the internet rapidly becoming portable blogs will soon be in pole position to become the primary information deliverers. This site’s hit count has been climbing steadily and on a good day there can be up to a thousand different people dropping by. Many visits are fleeting (goddamn mp3 harvesters) so the key is to rein in the attention for long enough to get those bookmarking fingers working. I’m under no illusions that the number of readers would have to expand exponentially to make the operation viable but I’m pretty sure it is achievable without losing the passion that drives this lust of mine for all things jangly and new.
Anyway, down with all this incoherent day dreaming let me introduce a band that you may never have heard of but who will soon be creatively blowing your socks off. Just press play and let the curious tango ensue. KD
Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Fleet Foxes (soon)
Year: 2008
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