Pete And The Pirates – She Doesn't Belong

If you think Fanfarlo are quite a treat then you may just fall in love with their artistic bedfellows Pete and the Pirates. Despite a smattering of great singles their debut album ‘Little Death’ won’t see the light of day until next month. Their hometown is Reading and even though it hosts one of the biggest music festivals in the UK every year I can’t recall a single musical great (outside of the stupendous Chapterhouse that is) from there. That should be all about to change though once you clasp ears on PATP. I mean isn’t ‘She Doesn’t Belong To Me’ just the cuddliest piece of ramshackle pop you’ve heard this year? The jangle does the trick all on its own but then you can add Tommy Sanders crackling voice (yes it is he from Tap Tap and yes this song did appear on ‘Lanzafame’ and yes that is another band from Reading) and a stop-start momentum to lift proceedings into the realm of classic pop song par excellence. Mid table wannabes, not a chance, you’re listening to the future premier champions. KD

Pete and the Pirates – She Doesn’t Belong

Watch The Video Come On Feet

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Pete and the Pirates
Year: 2008

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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  1. January 23, 2008

    Got to say, I prefer the Tap Tap version – makes this version look all shiny and polished and wrong and… pointless?

  2. Anonymous
    January 24, 2008

    that’s deadly. he reminds me on Johnnie Flynn…

  3. January 24, 2008

    TD: Not for me, I love it. Can’t even remember the Tap Tap version.Anon: And who pray tell may Johnnie Flynn be?

  4. January 25, 2008

    Cheers! Gonna check out Flynn straight away.

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