Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova – Falling Slowly

Finally got to see the sleeper hit movie known as ‘Once’ last night. Can exactly see why some could be completely bored with its ‘just like a long music video’ style but I must say I was impressed. There is lots of music and for the most part it is of an incredibly high standard. The performances are touching and realistic and for once the chemistry between 2 leads is entirely believable (even if Glen Hansard looks at least a decade older than Marketa Irglova). Believable and quite touching as it happens because what ‘Once’ lacks in production it makes up for in gritty realism. All that and the fact that many of the scenes were filmed about 2 minutes walk from where we live which meant we were both hooked from start to finish. Hansard has rarely been in better musical form (check out his band the Frames’ best LP ‘For The Birds’), his acoustic forays are uniquely passionate and mark him out as one of best singer songwriters this country has ever produced. He can certainly come out with some ear bendingly embarrassing pronouncements on stage but this is a man that was born to make music. Marketa Irglova for her part is a worthy muse; this could be the start of one very long swell season. KD

Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova – Falling Slowly

***And it went on to win an Oscar on Feb 24, 2008***


Watch The Video

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
Year: 2006

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One Comment

  1. Anonymous
    January 2, 2008

    I liked this movie quite a bit. It is a small movie about two people and music done on a shoestring budget and is better than 95% of the crap done for 100 x the budget. But I like music and some people could care less about it, that’s why I am looking at your blog…I like music. Hug it out great in 2008.Jeff

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