Drakes Hotel is more than a place to eat and sleep, it’s now a destination to rest your weary ears from the sewer that is the mainstream. Despite their widescreen approach Drakes Hotel are only 2, a girl named Amy Drake and a man who is enigmatically titled Chris Y. Together they blaze a trail that should appeal to a shoegaze audience who have really been spoilt of late. ‘Broadcast To The Addicted’ opens the bands new album ‘Tell Me Everything’ with a big and bold statement of intent. The drums are pronounced and loud, the chords melt with sonic ingenuity and the 2 protagonists chew on a slogan that should be sprayed on walls wherever graffiti is practised. There is certainly a sense of the nocturnal about Drakes Hotel, a feeling that if the vampires of this world were to scrawl band names on their school bags then this would be a likely candidate. KD
Drakes Hotel – Broadcast To The Addicted
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Drakes Hotel
Year: 2007
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