The Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch ii

Andrew Weatherall will be forever be remembered in indie circles for his monumental efforts on the seminal Primal Scream album ‘Screamadelica’. Of course he had a life outside the mortgage repaying remixes for which he is best known for. One ingenious scheme was the Sabres of Paradise who recorded a number of ambient albums. Even though the concept was a winner in the post-acid fallout the Sabres of Paradise never attained the sort of kudos that much lesser acts like the Orb had heaped onto them. ‘Smokebelch ii’ is pretty much flawless and if it had made it onto its natural home ‘The Beach’ soundtrack perhaps it could have rightly invaded the consciousness of the public at large. As things stand it remains an early ’90’s classic, a spine tingling and softly euphoric piece of magic. KD

The Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch ii

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: [UK] Sabresonic Vol.2 [US] Haunted Dancehall
Year: 1993

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  1. September 29, 2007

    A Temple of Sound classic from my drugged up youth. Brilliant.

  2. Anonymous
    March 11, 2008

    I use this one to test my speaker systems. Any setup that can reproduce correctly the mix of sweet bass and trilling treble is worth paying for.

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