exmagician – Lightning Struck A Deal

It might strike you as a novelty record but I’ve spent most of my day humming this tune from exmagician of Belfast. At the moment no one approaches James Smith’s sense of giddy adventure apart from maybe Jim Noir. A nose for producing something different is generally frowned upon in an indie scene that sees itself best served by a riff and a wry lyric but Smith is genuinely pushing the boundaries. The fact that he is currently labelless leaves him without the awkward finger wags from a bankrolling label and free to spin weird and wonderful colossuses like ‘Lighting Struck A Deal’. When he’s famous and riding limo’s with P Diddy he may reminisce on those heady days in 2007 when peachy ideas poured from him like blood from an extra in a Tarantino movie. This is another giant fluffy rabbit from an increasing bulging top hat. KD

exmagician – Lightning Struck A Deal

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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: in the near future
Year: 2007

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One Comment

  1. June 20, 2007

    James has a smooth voice and more musical talent and ability than can be measured in a singlge listen. Rather beautiful.

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