Andrew Bird – Heretics

Andrew Bird albums are about to fly out of the shops or perch on your creaking hard drive because his new album is one of the bright sparks of the new(ish) year. Of course Bird was always an ambitious musician, it’s just that this time he has decorated his compositions with nightime radio friendly melodies. He is classically trained and much of his output is laced with innovative string arrangements. The results are uniquely satisfying and if that wasn’t enough Birds whistling ability (c.f. ‘Dark Matter’) could have Peter, John and Bjorn staring is glazed admiration. Bird’s new album (his 10th) is due to be released towards the end of this month under the decidedly tongue twisting title of ‘Armchair Apocrypha’. The fast emerging Fat Possum label are in charge and this album will doubtlessly extend their current golden patch (Dinosaur Jr., Heartless Bastards, Fiery Furnaces”¦.gulp). ‘Heretics’ is a promo from the upcoming album, a song so devoid of tired indie clichés it could almost create a genre on all its own. MozArt Rock anyone? KD

Andrew Bird – Heretics

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: Armchair Apocrypha
Year: 2007

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One Comment

  1. March 21, 2007

    Catch Andrew Bird ON TOUR next month! He is going to be “greening up” his tour, using biodiesel, organic food, recycling efforts and carbon offsets and other good things like that. Check out and for more info!4/11/2007 Calvin College Grand Rapids,MI 4/12/2007 Majestic Theater Detroit,MI 4/13/2007 Southern Theatre Columbus,OH 4/14/2007 Southgate House Newport,KY 4/16/2007 Mercy Lounge Nashville,TN 4/17/2007 The Pageant St. Louis,MO4/18/2007 Canopy Club Urbana,IL 4/20/2007 Riviera Theatre Chicago,IL 4/22/2007 Blue Note Columbia,MO 4/23/2007 Sokol Underground Omaha,NE 4/25/2007 Fox Theatre Boulder,CO 4/27/2007 Rialto Theatre Tucson,AZ 5/1/2007 Fillmore San Francisco,CA5/4/2007 Crystal Ballroom Portland,OR 5/5/2007 Showbox Theater Seattle,WA 5/11/2007 First Avenue Minneapolis,MN 5/16/2007 Berklee Performance Ctr. Boston,MA5/17/2007 Webster Hall New York,NY 5/18/2007 Theatre of Living Arts Philadelphia,PA5/20/2007 9:30 Club Washington,DC

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