Pia Fraus – 400 & 57

Pia Fraus take the ‘Loveless’ template, stir it about and come back with what it would have sounded like if they had been My Bloody Valentine. This might sound like a recipe for disaster considering the legendary status of ‘Loveless’ yet Pia Fraus’ knack for a tasteful presentation of the dynamics means much of what they peddle is hugely entertaining. ‘400 & 57’ is taken from their sophomore album ‘In Solarium’ and encapsulates what the Estonians do best; namely soft, almost dreamy, vocals tethering on the brink of extinction due to a mass of fuzzy chords and otherworldly soundbites. They will always have the tribute act accusations thrown in their direction but there is an awful lot to admire in Pia Fraus’ own pool of creativity. KD

Pia Fraus – 400 & 57

Watch The Video Chromatic Nights

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: [UK] In Solarium [US] In Solarium
Year: 2002

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One Comment

  1. BK
    February 14, 2007

    Great song, great find… luv it!

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