Port O'Brien – Five And Dime

It seems that the one-dimensional acoustic warble is back in vigour again. The trick with these things in really hooking the listener is to produce something that lifts the drama above its constituent parts. Thankfully, Port O’Brien seem to have figured it out, laying on the voice and the chords in equal measure but also including a special ingredient that sets them apart. In ‘Five And Dime’ they cross pollinate Conor Oberst and Will Oldham with their own sweet hand to craft a gentle stroll put to music. It’s obvious where the influences come from: the land, the sea and the family and this makes the music all that more heartfelt. Van W. Pierszalowski is Port O’Brien’s main creative force and his understated folk ditties just need a casual spotlight to highlight their worth. Just perfect for reflection time, whether than be on the water or in front of your bathroom mirror. KD

Port O’Brien – Five And Dime

More Info: Port O’Brien
Buy Port O’Brien’s: When The Rain Comes
Year: 2005

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One Comment

  1. Anonymous
    July 17, 2007

    Perfect for reflection time, indeed.

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