Clearlake – Don't Let The Cold In

There is something blatantly uncommercial about seasiders Clearlake. Obvious bones just don’t seem to be part of their bodies so if you are hoping for a Franz riff to kick start your weekend please turn away. If you are patient though, the unconventional ideas do blossom before your very eyes. Take one of their early singles ‘Don’t Let The Cold In’ as an illustration. It’s searing concoction of white hot chords and pummelling beats could perforate weaker eardrums. Jason Pegg hangs his heavily accented words out to the dry in the maelstrom yet despite the force nine gale its hard not to taken in by the poetry of it all. Not one for the postie to whistle, think more along the lines of a scene from Oliver! bedecked with indie stylings. KD

Clearlake – Don’t Let The Cold In

More Info: Clearlake
Buy Album: [UK] Lido [US] Lido
Year: 2001

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