#113 The Floors – No Excuses

Carlow band the Floors are perhaps best remembered for their novelty hit ‘Jesus Lived Six Years Longer Than Kurt Cobain’ but it was the seething anger on their borrowed collaboration with Lydia Lunch that is the stand out from their debut album ‘Superbe’. Lunch exposes are a vivid illustration of invective and her exhilarating monologue on ‘No Excuses’ is both disturbing and an extreme take on the Riot Grrls genre. The Floors somehow conspire to match the raw material with a blustering soundtrack. The booming bass and Velvet Underground chord scratches are aided and abetted by Ger Farrell’s thumping drums. The Floors songwriter Dave Donohue can hold his head up high in achieving what could have been seen as an impossible task. There ain’t many tunes about like this one, so batten down the hatches and hopefully see you on the other side. KD

The Floors – No Excuses

Album: Superbe
Year: 1996
Buy: Superbe

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  1. February 2, 2006

    nice recommendation mate.i passed this onto Dave donohue and he was delighted to hear it again and glad that you liked it.he is also pondering getting back into writing again.cheers,cubikhttp://www.cubikmusik.typepad.com

  2. Thomas Erbsloh
    January 29, 2014

    The Floors played a one-off reunion gig in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland on Saturday, 18th Jan 2014

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