#74 The Charlatans – White Shirt

Hard to believe when you look at them now but the Charlatans were once as indispensable as cereal. The tragic loss of Rob Collins, the ravages of the music industry and a gradual slip into comfortable middle age has meant that the latter day Charlatans are about as safe as the Stereophonics (if a lot less nauseating). Their debut ‘Some Friendly’ remains their torchlight and it still has a bombastic charm stocked high with baggy rhythms, keyboard wizardry and vocal melody. The more well known tracks like ‘The Only One I Know’ and ‘Then’ have entered the indie hall of fame but there are other jewels within its grooves. ‘White Shirt’ is one such with trademark swirling organs, bouncing percussion and Tim Burgess’ youthful spontaneity somehow making its way to the microphone despite being held prisoner by an unruly mop of hair. This arrives at full-throttle and maintains a delirious pace throughout. Who needs coffee when a blast of ‘White Shirt’ provides the same kick without the headache? KD

The Charlatans – White Shirt

Album: Some Friendly
Year: 1990
Buy: Some Friendly

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  1. December 14, 2005

    I will politely disagree and say that I LOVED Wonderland.

  2. December 16, 2005

    i always forget how awesome this band is.

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