mp3hugger is an indie mp3 blog based in Dublin, Ireland that started in September 2005. Its purpose is to introduce music to people who may not otherwise get to hear it. The mp3s on this site are only available for 6 days. My intention is not to violate copyright laws. If you are owner (copyright or creator) of an mp3 posted here and are unhappy about its use, please email me and I will delete it immediately. In June 2008 mp3hugger set up a record label called Indiecater. It has nice stuff that you can listen to and buy if you like it enough.
To the users of this site:
Please take care of each mp3. If you like one, the chances are you’ll like the album it comes from. Click on the link to buy or do it the old fashioned way by rushing down to your local record store. This way you can help raise the profile of the artists behind this great music.
Useful tips: Click this icon to play a tune. To download the tune, right click on the song title and choose ‘save link as’ to save the song to your hard drive. If you see this not just another indie band then the song has expired and you have missed out!
If you are in a band:
If you’d like to be considered for review on mp3hugger please get in touch immediately. If possible include an mp3 or 2 that we can post and a small bit about yourself. Thanks!
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