Fred – Stereoscope


Despite being consistently friendly on the ear Cork/Kerry collective Fred continue to evade appreciable attention back home. Given the ponderous nature of much of the local scene this state of affairs hardly makes sense. Good to see then that Fred continue to plug away with latest single ‘Battles’ offering sing/clap along times for those who’ve bothered to give it an airing. Tonight’s cut comes from 2011 though and Fred’s last album ‘Leaving My Empire’. ‘Stereoscope’ is awash with sonic fragrance, building momentum with each new tick tock. That it goes somewhere divine only serves to make the exercise even more loveable. There are nods to better times Arcade Fire and while the song does not reveal any moments of Regine clarity there is more than enough going on elsewhere to satisfy the ADD afflicted. Just short of perfect then. KD

Fred – Stereoscope

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Fred
Year: 2011

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